Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Laboratory Monday, 10 February 2025 5:53 am  
Kathryn Lindsay
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Kathryn Lindsay

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Dr. Kathryn Lindsay (formerly Freemark) is a research ecologist at the National Wildlife Research Centre (Wildlife and Landscape Science, Environment Canada) on the Carleton campus. She is currently an Adjunct Professor in Biology and in Geography & Environmental Studies, and a co-Director of the Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Lab at Carleton University in Ottawa. She received her Ph.D. from Carleton in 1984 (with Gray Merriam) with a focus on the landscape ecology of birds in forest remnants in farmland. She was on secondment to the U.S. Environment Protection Agency research lab in Corvallis, Oregon from 1992-1996 working on assessing effects of agriculture on wildlife in the Midwest cornbelt and was a Loeb Fellow in the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1998-99 with a focus on regional planning. She has conducted future scenario and ecological risk assessment studies at local to national scales in Canada, the USA and Panama to understand effects of different land cover/land use (particularly agricultural and urban) on wildlife and water, and to explore approaches for incorporating nature conservation into land-use policy, planning and decision-making. Her most current research work is on the development of ecological and socio-economic methods for critical habitat delineation under the new Species at Risk Act in Canada.


Research Interests

  • GIS prioritization and complementarity analyses
  • regional land use planning
  • ecological risk assessment of agriculture
  • urbanization
  • habitat modeling
  • population viability assessment
  • species at risk recovery planning

Selected Publications

Warman, L.D., D.M. Forsyth, A.R.E. Sinclair, K. Freemark (now Lindsay), H.D. Morre, T.W. Barrett, R.L. Pressey and D. White. 2004. Species distributions, surrogacy, and important conservation regions in Canda. Ecology Letters 7: 374-379.


Santelmann, M., D. White, K.E.Freemark (now Lindsay), J.I. Nassauer, J.M. Eilers, K.B. Vache, B.J. Danielson, R.C. Corry, M.E. Clark, S. Polasky, R.M. Cruse, J. Sifneos, H. Rustigian, C. Coiner, J. Wu and D. Debinski. 2004. Assessing alternative futures for agriculture in Iowa, USA. Landscape Ecology 18.


Freemark, K., D. Bert, and M.-A. Villard. 2002. Patch-, landscape-, and regional-scale effects on biota. Pages 58-83 in K.J. Gutzwiller (Editor), Applying Landscape Ecology in Biological Conservation. Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York. 518pp.


White, D., E. M. Preston, K. E. Freemark and A. R .Kiester. 1999. A hierarchical framework for conserving biodiversity. Pp. 127-153 IN: J.M. Klopatek and R.H. Gardner (eds.). Landscape Ecological Analysis: Issues and Applications. Springer-Verlag, New York.


 Updated Feb 2016 Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 Canada  (613) 520-7400 Contact Us